The Engineers Dilemma. Dieter Roth
That the book could be art, an assemblage of printed matter “a visual diary squirted out during three years of spasmodic labour”. Or a scheme of intentions fragments. Die Ebenen (The Levels) Das Fleisch (The Meat) “Alles ist es” Everything is there. Juxtaposition 223849 with instructions to print. To be clear “Print this drawing on the back of the print from the thick block”. A construction, an idea, several ideas with process at its heart, making, thinking, planning, doing.
And then, two boys, brothers? By the sea, hands on hips. Sharp shadows cut diagonal across bodies ready to swim. They smile and wait. This is a portrait, a diary entry. This is a day at the beach and it (time) happened before and after. And somewhere else, more children play in a drawing with a ball by a pool, they catch, smile. And a diver arcs and hangs, never reaching the spot. In silence. Fixed.
Yours truly, mapping and remembering, recording. Cyan, magenta, yellow and key, embossed and imprinted. Marked and folded. Thick, thin, transparent, opaque, words that explain the process and means of production. Ich Kacke, du kackst, er kackt, sie kackt, es kacken, wir kacken, ihr kackt, sie kacken. I shit, you shit he shits, she shits, it’s shit, we shit, you shit, and they shit. “Oh and light from this side only, to bring up strong relief.” Replace to re-seal…the memory.
Fasten and tie to keep in place. I want it to be a series of reactions on two dimensions. Of everything that touches me, or meets me in times to come. Everything that makes me feel. So I write down some of the notes I make constantly to remember, to see what takes and what doesn’t. Bad things, good things, they are selected according to the judgment of certain persons. What pictures want. Where pictures of objects or ruins of letters change into chaos. A Joke. To remember take pictures of your own pictures through the pictures of other people (or the other way around) Do this to forget.
There is much more but I hope this will serve. Naturally it will all change during the time as things do and it will look quite different.